
by Forever Hers   Nov 14, 2013

Ticks of a clock echo softly
As thoughts race
And emotions solidify
Into a numb state.
It is as if the floor
Has vanished and I
Am left clinging
To the barbed wire edge
In hopes that the bleeding
Will soon cease
And I will feel nothing;
Perhaps emotions
Are far more harmful
Than anyone realized.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    I like how you used the clock to start out this poem. I think when you are lonely the you can focus on one thing and it drives you into sadness and madness. Everything you write here is so well done. Your thoughts do race with memories that you don't want toknow. I love the wording at the end of this too. I thinkwhat you are saying throughout is that you want to feel nothing bebecause it's better than feeling sad. Again I loved how you stayed on track here and were consistant. I loved the title as well. It's simple but you made it fit the poem so well.