Comments : Here comes trouble

  • 10 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    The imagery of this really caught my eyes and made me laugh a lot. The title is perfect to me. "Here comes trouble". You dont really know what ut could mean until you read the whole poem but then it hits you or actually hit me right away it is about your cat. I loved how you write about the different scenes here. You go from one to the next which I find great personally. Each time it seems like it is getting worse and the ending is an ah ha moment for you. The cat is trying to get outside and run around. ^^ though you still love them dearly. Great and unique write!

  • 10 years ago

    by Dominique Lewis

    This is adorable and the entire time I read this I imagined my cats. :D My cats love running around the house at night when I am sound asleep and causing me to wake up. But I love my cats...even though my grandmother has too many. We have six cats and I love them all but only one is truly my baby. He is really fuzzy and he is Siamese, his name is Boomer. Each time I am upset he curls up on my lap and lets me pet him. Usually he just scratches at my bedroom door or he lays right in front of it so I can't get past. My cats drive me nuts but I love them so I can really relate to this. Amazing write and this had me laughing a lot. :) I just love how at first it sounds like you are getting irritated but in the end it is like "Well it is my own fault for owning him." Love it :D

  • 10 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    A sweet little write about cats! Liked the flow and the imagery here...very nice indeed :)

  • 10 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Very fine tribute to a special pet

  • 10 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    I love this. Theres so many details down to even the curtains! I love this because it reminds me of my cat i use to have :)