The Cookie Poems and The Crumbles - [ SESTINA ]

by Everlasting   Jul 25, 2014

Poetry, you were but specks of dust underneath the keys of my keyboard;
crumbles of cookie Oreo next to my touch pad.
No one noticed you. Not them. Not me.
But with each bite, I should have seen you crumbling off the cookie
instead that let you become particles never meant to be eaten
Instead than making you wait until I could finally see you.

But Poetry, how could I have seen you?
How could I have seen you crumbling off the cookie and onto my keyboard?
If at night, I bit bit by bit my Oreo... ( it was meant to be eaten).
I was busy savoring the Oreo to notice its crumbles fall next to my touch pad.
I wanted to enjoy the whole cookie.
That's all I wanted, for the cookie to be eaten all by me.

But Poetry, the cookie was not meant to be all for me.
Or was it? I think not... at least not you.
Yet here I was attempting to not eat all of it in one bite, not the cookie.
So I bit it, bit by bit, until it slithered underneath the keys of my keyboard,
until with each bite to the cookie, the crumbles fell next to my touch pad
where the crumbles became particles never meant to be eaten,

And until those particles never meant to be eaten,
slid into the orifices of my keyboard's keys. They hid from me.
They slithered away from my touch pad,
just so I could not see them. Just so I could not see you
hiding underneath the keys of my keyboard
making me think that I had eaten the whole cookie.

But Poetry, you were the crumbles of the cookie;
you were the particles never meant to be eaten,
so you hid in the orifices of my keyboard,
Just so you could become from invisible to me
Just so you could await for the time that I could finally see you
until I could finally Feel you, in the keys, but not in the touch pad.

For if I had seen you and felt you in the touch pad
I would have thrown the crumbles of the cookie,
I would have thrown you...
to the trash can, for you were particles never meant to be eaten,
at least not by me.
And now, I can finally feel you underneath the stiff keys of my keyboard,

fortunately, not in my touch pad. Indeed, you were crumbles never meant to be eaten.
You were the part of the cookie that was meant to be not for me
Hence, you crumbled off the cookie to create a malfunctioning keyboard.

Written by: L. L.

For Mr. Larry's contest.


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