
by Ezra   Nov 26, 2014

A star Cares not for the life beneath her steps, a star cares not for the hearts she does break

Friction makes warmth, a spark means hope. A flame one must be careful with, Too close, you'll get burned, too far, and you'll freeze. You must find this place of in between--Sister is passionate like a flame.

The wind comes and goes, fallowing the currents and its whims--Brother is calm like a lazy wind.

A seed becomes a sprout, a sprout becomes a sapling, and a sapling becomes a tree. To become a tree is too overcome the yearly fires, the yearly floods, the yearly storms--Father is steady like a tree.

Blending and hiding from all, what comes to mind of this habit of mine?

Too rowdy to be a tree, too cold to be a flame, too rooted to be a wind, too free to be a river, too imaginative to be a stone. What then is shy and calm? What then is strong and hard headed? What creature could I possibly be? So shy and fearful of all, so many masks do I wear and hide--only one creature comes to mid...

A chameleon hides from predators, A chameleon protects themselves and their young--their kin. A chameleon is all that comes to mind, so perhaps I am a chameleon after all...

If wood is given so a fire can be, if air is given so a fire can breathe--what can a chameleon do for a fire so far?

My father is a tree. So great and calm and wise is he; How could I possibly hope to be, even half, a quarter, just a bit like he who is so great?

Many stages for a fire there are the friction, the spark--suddenly a flame. How could I possibly hope to be, even a bit, like she who is so strong, so unafraid?

The air born through the recirculation of carbon through trees and plants, the air goes where it pleases, fallowing the easy path, the less resistant path. How could I possibly hope to be, even a drop, just a smudge, like he who can go so far, live for so long?

Chameleon's walk through their lands, Hesitant and calm, they change their skin to fit their needs.

A star, a star, and a star I wish to be. A star, a star, and a star I cannot be.

A hope for a distant star--then darkness awaits those who fallow. A destiny tied to a far and distant star--Then surly the same fate be shared. The fate of cages and darkness and coldness and endless regrets, Is this what the far and distant star seeks? Desires? Hopes for? The fate of sorrow and endless regrets.

What then is the fate of the poor and frightened chameleon?

With no true home, the chameleon does wander, with no true hope, the chameleon does wonder. What then is the fate of the poor and frightened chameleon?

A star cares not for the life beneath her steps, a star Care's not for the hearts she does break.

A star for a mother, a tree for a father, a flame for a sister, a breeze for a brother. Where does a chameleon such as me, Belong with such giants?


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