
by SilentOne   Jul 22, 2015

I have lied to myself so much that I started believing them.
The lies have helped me cope.
I always say I have nothing because I haven't worked for anything.
Unless I work for it I won't feel it's mine.
I say I've never been abused because I didn't understand the different types of abuse.
I have been mentally abused, and verbally.
I feel I've dealt with it, but maybe not.
I'm not very intelligent. That's why I'm attracted to intelligence.
I'm sorry for my lies. Everyone is doing tho (lol).
Maybe I can change.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    You can't be too silly to write so well and so honestly. Again, lying to yourself and eventually believing them is something a fair few must be able to relate to. Good poetry should speak to people and from what I've read of your work so far, it does just that. Keep writing