Why Do You?

by Kimberly Day   Jul 9, 2004

Why do you treat me so?
You insist on treating me so damn cold.
I've always tried to make you proud,
But I can never make you proud,
At least as long as I am around.
You're always hurting me with your words,
Whether you mean to or not,
You still do it to me.
I'm no longer a child,
But you just can't seem,
To realize that I'm ending my years as a teen.
I will soon leave you,
And if you want a clue.
Stop being the way you are,
But maybe I'm just wishing on a dying star.

Why do you insist on running my life?
It's my life mother,
You're smothering me!
You ban people from being in my life,
You can't do that!
But you make it so I have to listen,
I can never stand up for myself.
You hurt me so,
I think you know you do.
But you just don't care,
The tears run down my face,
But you don't care,
You just stand there and stare.

Why do you hate him?
The love of my life?
He's not for you,
He's for me.
So what could make you see,
That we will always be?
This is one thing you cannot change.
He is the one part of my life,
That I will keep you out of range.
I hate it when you say bad things about him,
"What do you see in him? He's a piece of s***, Kim."
I don't really care what you say.
You can rot right where you lay.

Why do you not have any compassion?
Don't you know,
Meanness is way out of fashion.
You hurt me with words,
Mentally and emotionally,
Ask me again why I have manic depression?
You never know the right things to say,
But when it's you thats in need,
Let's all bow and lay at your feet.
Let's all boo hoo for her,
My mother's in pain!
You piss me off,
You make me so angry.
To know that my mother doesn't care about me.
So I'm writing this poem for you to see,
Just exactly what you do to me!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kimberly Day

    Thank you very much! Yes she never has been there for me, and bad mouths my love every chance she gets, I've gotten slapped over defending him, but I still do it. Thank you for your last comment, it made me smile.:-D

  • 19 years ago

    by Kimberly Day

    This is a poem dedicated to my mother. Votes and comments are appriciated.