Fork in the Road

by Rachel   Jul 12, 2004

A young girl stood in the road
Unsure of which way to go
One road looked so familiar
The other, she didn’t know

A friend walks by
She watches her go
Down that long road
She doesn’t know

Wanting to follow
But afraid to get lost
The girl went along
Not sure of the cost

She takes one final look back
At the life she once had
Never to return
To the good, or the bad

And so beings her journey
One she must complete
But there will always be a part of her
That part she can’t delete

tell me what you think... i dont usually write in this style but i like the idea of it.. probably better then i like the actual poem but lemme know wut you think


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  • 19 years ago

    by LuAnne

    hEy i ThiNK that You are Agreat WritEr and i Love poEms that Leave you With a Thought At the End - NiCe Work