
by Weeping Willow   Nov 11, 2023

I’d like to be a tree
A tree knows exactly what to do
Roots sinking into the ground
Branches reaching
It’s confident it’s exactly where it should be
and stays there

A tree makes use of the storm
Sucking in the water
and rationing it to the parts it needs it most
Sometimes I put my hand on the trunk of one
and ask it to tell me what I should do
If I were a tree I would know
I would cling to the same cliff side my entire life
because I know that’s exactly where I should be

Trees don’t get lost
Quite the opposite
We use them to help us find our way home
I glide my hand across the bark as I walk
and turn my headphones off
In case there is a feign whisper
from the only gods I believe in

Trees are safe
So safe that a myriad of animals
choose to build their homes in them
Even when they fall
they do it confidently
Life springing from its trunk
laid out on the forest floor
Eternally grounded
And still reaching towards the sky


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