Out of my misery

by Eibutsina   Jul 22, 2004

Its been quite a while now
Since you've dropped past my place
And time is slowly passing me by
But I never forget your face.

Its weird to think that two people
Who grew like we did together
Could turn out not even on speaking terms
To be like we promised never.

And I sit back and think a lot
Now I have had the time
I think that you just used me
And pretended everything was fine.

See party season is over
You don't want to hang out no more
Now you don't need a place to stay
You never come knocking at my door.

And yes I feel like a fool
That I was stupid and so blind
You've done this to me once before
I shouldn't have forgot what i put behind.

But I had faith in your changes
I fell in love with you as a friend
You were my girl, my sister, my everything
I thought what we had would never end.

And then one day it just stops
You don't come past, or stop to call
Left lying alone in the dark
Wondering if you were ever a friend at all.

Cause you say you want to still be friends
But maybe just not as close
I can accept that and yes it hurts
Cause your friendship is what i want most.

But you don't really want that do you
I think your trying to be polite
Have you forgotten about the great times we've had
The parties and sleepless nights.

Every now and then I look over our album of pictures
It chokes me up every time
Of the days when i was truly your best friend
And when you were truly mine.

But it plays so badly on my mind
Possibilities forever roam my head
I wonder if I did something wrong
Perhaps it was something I said.

I know I have to move on
I'm just finding that so hard to do
When I look around MY home
All i can see is memories of me and you

So I have taken down your pictures
The ones of you and me in frames
Trying to put this time behind me
Trying so hard not to blame

But truth is i do
I blame you for what we are today
I asked long ago if there was issues
You claimed nothing to say

And was when i spoke of how i felt
That everything did change
I told you I wanted to sort out our friendship
That something had to be rearranged

And since that day you've shut down
You haven't given me the time of time
I'm tired of asking, wondering and questioning
Tip toeing around the right thing to say

Truth is you were a friend,
The way a best friend should be
You'd tell me what went wrong, and you'd move on
Putting me out of my misery.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Oh chelsey babygirl im so happy that my poem could do that for you - special friendships are too precious to let slip away! I know from experience!

    I think its something most of can relate to at one stage or another as long she appreciates you for the person you are - everything will be fine

    Much Love Eirisa

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Hey just thought I'd tell you i gave this poem to my friend..and normally she dont like reading especially poems but i mad her and she was crying the whole poem Then when she was done she didnt say anything but cryed in my shoulder i started crying to! So Thank you from the bottom of my heart i really dont know what to say..Its people like you we need more in the world! It puts a huge smile across my face!

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsey

    I can not believe i didnt read this till now! Oh my gosh im still crying..Me and my best friend are going throught the same EXACT thing!! I have to wake up every morning and look at this big postor we made with all our pictures on it and every line i read the more i got choked u ..if you don't mind i would like to print this and show it to her because i always stutter when i have the feeling to say and your poem was so good it has everything i went her to know...i don't understand how your "best friend" could let you go! girl if you were my best friend are friendship would be soo strong!! You are the sweetest one on this website and all of your poems seem to have something to relate to me with! Poems like yours inspires me to do good in life and to stay tight with close friends..I just want you to know Eirisa you touched a thirteen year old in the world! And she is very greatful!

  • 19 years ago

    by FireCracker

    Hey, THANX for commenting on my poem " Sorry I Lied" and of course I alwasy return the favor ! ! =) I really liked this poem, I twas great ! ! And I got a chance to read some of your other ones and they were really good too, I voted for some of them but sorry I couldnt get a chance to comment on more then I did ! LoL ! ! Keep up The good work, and check out some of my other and NEW poems , THANX so much ! !
    ~ Maybeth ~ =)