To Someday realize

by Libby M   Jul 25, 2004

May the world someday be a sweet place
May the people look at each other with grace
May every soul hold the hands of their little ones
To give them hope and the full strength to carry on
To give the little ones some kind of wisdom
about the maker of the Earth, the Sun
And the Vast sea

May the Broken Heart finally heal
May the tears of pain someday disappear
May the Angels continue their hymns
And lend their hands to every little Broken
Spirit of old and young

May Each hungry soul be filled with Gods Love
May every Appetite be filled with the words
Of the Lord, The Savior Of all Mankind
May each given eye search for only eternal Happiness
IN the word of God and May Every Mind
Dismiss all evil thoughts

May oh May all People finally Realize
To look above towards the sky to search
Knowingly that Jesus is sitting between the Clouds
Waiting and watching for our Call.

To Realize that Jesus awaits with Arms wide
Open to embrace us every time we might stumble and fall
May all People see and feel that Jesus the Begotten Son of God
Has never ever left our side when the Big storm
Damaged our hearts, hopes and homes.
That Jesus was always lending His hands to clean up our mess
For people to realize that Jesus has always accepted our flaws
The moment He laid His life on the Cross.

May all of you especially myself, to keep eyes wide open in Search
For Jesus Christ. May all of us Remember to praise and to thank
God for the seconds, the minutes, the hours, today, and for the unknown
May all people someday realize the Gifts that Jesus has given to us
The gift of grace, the gift of patience, the gift of faithfulness and the gift
Of love.
To realize that He has stored and shared all of those gifts for us thus far.
Oh may all people someday Realize


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  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    beautiful! Im speechless i really love religious poems that are just like pouring your heart, soul and feeling onto paper and that just what you've done here!