In my Office..

by brin macnamara   Jul 28, 2004

Glancing in the environs of where I sit
I search for what Passion, Beauty and Love lies within my colleague's hearts.
I see none.
Rather yet, I discern hardness of heart.
cynicism, tormented passion and spirits lost in the quagmire of regret.

Cursory laughter, acidic words thrown freely devoid of forethought,
scratch and sometimes maim.
Not a soul expresses an emotion, each cocooned in their individual universe.
But I feel the anguish of departed Passion, Beauty absent and love defiled.
For these my heart cries out
What robotic existence is this?
Sterile animation, tasteless souls wandering in a void.

I bow my head,
Closing my eyes, I dream of natures beauty.
Looking into my heart I feel the Passion and I experience the Love despoiled by those about.


(I would welcome all comments on any of my contributions.)


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  • 19 years ago

    by BaybeBlew

    Hey, Beautifully written poem, Humans are funny creatures, keep writing.


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