From My Window

by Eibutsina   Aug 10, 2004

I'm late home again as the sunsets in
The night settles quickly darkness so cold
Through my window under the street light
I see a woman frail and old...
Her clothes a torn mess of rags
She anxiously grips her shopping bags
She huddles shivering in the shelter
I can hear the rain begin to pelter...
I get off my couch in front of my TV
Watching from my window with a warm cup of tea
She couldn't see me from such a distance
I feel a strange connection between us...

She takes out a blanket sets up for the night
In the shelter away from the rain and the light
Lies down on the cold bench and covers her face
And then i take a step back and look around my place...
I've got a roof over my head a place to call home
Though times can be tough I've made it alone
It saddens me this woman has got so much less
But her suffering makes me feel so blessed...

So fresh bread and jam I'm making toast
Coffee brewing an exquisite roast
With a rose I place it on a breakfast tray
Start down the stairs trying to find the words to say...
I was watching you from my window please don't think I'm a creep
But your in a shelter and it's cold out, i was wondering if you wanted something to eat...

The look in her eyes will never leave my mind
Her hands were so old yet her face was so kind
A light shone so bright I could not see
Or behold the sight standing before me...
A transformation occurred in that flash of light
From frail old woman to heavenly sight...
Speaking of how she had been watching me from my window too
My guardian angel what she was sent to do
I made her proud she said as she wiped a tear from her eye
You came to my aid with no questions of why...
Forever place your faith in the Lord above
He is always watching with eyes filled with love
For this He has forgiven all of your sins
Keep hold of that hope you contain within...

She disappeared in another flash of light
And i changed as a person ever since that night
I live my life to the fullest each day
Each evening i give thanks and i pray...
I appreciate people for who they are
I silently wish wish upon falling stars
I believe in love and I love to smile
Have faith in things getting better after a while...
All because i bothered to take to the time
To consider someone else's needs than mine
I can never thank that angel enough
For making me realise I'm not the only one who has it tough...

I know she is walking by my side
The answers I'm searching for can be seen from my window inside...



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  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Thanks girls - you words mean so much...Jess Chels and Cheryl your interpretations really mean alot to me hey Much Luv xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsey

    I can not believe you wrote this..I am still crying from the poem you wrote about me lol...But this was was just..Mind shocking to me..I can relate to this one in so many ways..I'm so young so i have nothing to offer these people i see like this but only a hug...But for you to do this for this women was amazing..It shows the special and WONDERFUL person you are and don't let no one tell you different! I love this poem so much its awsome ..and as for what you said any critism is welcome to improve your poetry...You need no improving becuase your on a much higher level...I thought this poem was spectacular! and so are you! great job on another!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    As per most of my poems initially i had a completely different idea, but this is what i ended up with, as per usual im trying to push out a message as i do with most of my pieces, id appreciate if you could comment on your interpretation and any critisim is welcome to help continuously improve my poetry...Much Luv to you all and thanks for your time, this piece has really special meaning to me...