
by Ariangela   Aug 16, 2004

She was sixteen, and at home with friends getting high,
She went into a room and took a drug that changed her life.
She couldn’t stop; she was addicted and needed help,
because she would take it whether she was home alone or if she was by herself.
She and her friends gathered and got high again,
One of them fainted and turned blue and needed oxygen.
They left him and front of the emergency room, and bounced,
But the cops saw them and questioned them about what they had found.
She said she hardly knew them and it was just once,
Her parents came and got her, the mother admitted she knew Caroline has been doing drugs for 6 months.
The father mad, the mother sad, decided to let it slide,
Caroline did it anywhere, but most of the time, in the bathroom, she will hide.
The father came home one day, and realized her daughter was getting high,
She opened the door, her eyes red and with dripping sweat and said everything was alright.
He got her in rehab and thought that would help her stop,
But she ran away, and hid from her family and the cops.
She started sleeping around from guy to guy,
So she could get money to get the drugs, she wanted to buy.
Her father, with the help of her friend found her in a guy’s bed,
They were happy to finally have found her, and instead of taking her home, took her back to rehab instead.
This time she stayed and got the help she needed to become clean,
To this day she is happy, with the biggest smile, you’ve ever seen.


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