Burning Promise

by Rose   Aug 16, 2004

Explosive emotions for the light that I see,
sparks that deep kindled flame stored deep within me.
Rising excitement like the blue glowing mist,
rise from my soul's embers like Hestia's kiss.
In a hot confirmed rush you spread out your light,
my lusting heart's ablaze in your royal might.
I bathe in the power that you rested in me;
my souls hearth lies burning, for only you to see.
I remember the promise deep in my heart's glowing lair,
when that same sweet breath will cause my inferno to flare.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago


    Wow...this was superb! I truly loved the way you described the flame!! Awesome!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Rose

    thanks you guys, If you look at some of my earlier stuff its more spaced out and versed. So maybe you'll like that better ~ never the less you, are both extremely gifted poets and i'm thrilled that you enjoyed my work ~ come again
    rose oxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Richard Bottary

    Absolutely amazing. It was very nicely written. One good suggestion I can give is try not to put the words so packed together. Spread them out to make the poem look more lengthy. Take care.