Each and Every - Dedicated to My Girl Chelsey...

by Eibutsina   Aug 17, 2004

Each and Every time I read
One of your comments on my poems
It makes me feel I'm worthy
And that in this world I am not alone…
Each and Every time I get
One your emails up on my screen
I feel like I'm right there with you
Regardless of the distance in between…
Each and Every single time
I get the pleasure to read your words
Its like I have achieved something
And that my voice is being heard…
Each and Every poem that you
Dedicate so kindly to me
Shines a ray of light into my life
And sets my spirit free…
Each and Every word you speak
To me of your tragic sorrows
Makes me want to give you a hug
And remind you that the sun will rise tomorrow…
Each and Every time you cry
I wish I were there to hold your hand
Be your big sister and your friend
That person who can always understand…
Each and Every time you come
To me asking for my advice
It makes me proud of the person I am today
And what I'm doing with my life…
Each and Every time that you
Are truly happy within yourself inside
It makes me so happy too
If you could see my smile so wide…
Each and Every single night
I say a special prayer for you
That God keeps you safe and sound
In all you choose to do…
Each and Every mile between us
Keeps the bond to our friendship strong
I know that if we were closer in distance
We'd be inseparable and we'd get along…
Each and Every word you have written
Has meant so much more to me
You're such a beautiful person and a wonderful friend
You're everything I wish I could be….

This one is for you chels - your support and kind words are priceless to me you never do fail to make my day and know the right things to say - i love ya like a baby sister and you just amaze me so much - anyone lucky enough to read up to here check out my girl Chelsey's poems - shes a true artist Much Love Eirisa xoxo


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  • 19 years ago

    by Bryan

    This poem makes me happy just to read it. Chel sounds like such a great friend, and it sounds like you are lucky. But, it also sounds like you are a great friend. Just by reading that poem I could tell you that you two have a special friendship. One of those friendships that will last a lifetime. Great poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment i will return the favour to you all - Much Luv xox

  • 19 years ago

    by My Obsεssion

    That was so sweet. Good poem. Gonna go read more <33

  • 19 years ago

    by FireCracker

    Gr8 poem gurl , I loved this one ! !
    - EMAIL ME BACK - Lol . . . I need to know what you think & all !

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsey

    OH my god!! Your are absolutley amazing!! You just made my day eirisa! Im bawling! I'm so speechless right now! I have no idea what to say!!! Just thank you so much ...you mean so much to me! I love you tons and i think you know that!! You truley are my inspiration eirisa and you should feel really great that the person is you! Don't ever stop writing if its about me or whatever you have the ability to shine with your talent! ....Man i need a tissue LoL...Thank you so much ...You r the best person in the world and i mean that! God created just an amazing girl outta you and your awsome! Thanks again for writing this lovely poem....It meant so much and its got this special spot in my heart!! I love you lots!!!! Thanks!