Don't Erase Me

by Kendra   Sep 1, 2004

I dont want to feel anymore
My reality is faulty
And so very rarely there.

I want to die in vain
Don't hold my head above water
Just let me drown today.
I just want to give up

I love you whole heartedly
Don't doubt that at all
Just because i want to go
Doesnt mean i dont love you


I don't want to leave you
I know you'd never leave me
This is why i continue to live
I live just for you

Please hold me close tonight
I don't want to slip away from you
Just please don't let me go now
Your the reason I stay

And if tonight i do go
Please remember my smile
that will hold you over for a while
Don't let your love for me die

I love you so much
Yet I'm in so much pain
All i want is your touch
But my hearts in so much strain

Don't erase me from your memory
Don't let me slip away
Hold my heart tight
Hold it away from the pain
So my love for you may never die
Because i love you.. Simple and plain



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  • 19 years ago

    by Gracie Jo

    I really liked this poem. You did a really good job, wow it was really really good! Keep up the great work! =) Take care!
