Call 911

by Kaitlyn   Sep 3, 2004

I stand out side in the pouring rain
turn my back when you scream my name
a silent tear falls down my cheek
fall to my knees, I've become so weak
why didn't you come to hold me tight?
I know it's wrong, but it feels so right
I stand up now with shame in my eyes
fighting back my strong urge to cry
I slowly walk forward as you begin to run
standing with you, the pain's begun
I miss you so much it hurts at times
but I crawl back to you again like I'm fine
you confuse me so much with who you love
I begin to cry with the rain from above
I pull out my trusty, sharp razor blade
as the sky turns a darker shade of gray
I make 5 slashes before you care
you tell me to stop while you are there
you grab the blade and throw it down
grab me tight and spin me around
I believe you again, god why do I do this?
you just have a certain magic in your kiss
you tell me you'll care for me til the day I die
and like a fool I believe that stupid lie
you kiss me sweetly, though I know it's our last
as I pull out my gun and end it with one blast
as the rain pours down harder and washes away blood
our love's over in an instant as you call 9-1-1


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kaitlyn

    haha, thanks!! :) I just wrote that today actually..