Illusion My Reality

by Toni   Sep 7, 2004

Illusion my reality

Blood stained tears are all I have left
A distant memory
Of all the pain that I once felt
All the tears that I once cried
All the ways I tried and tried
All the times I couldn’t hide

The ground is too cold, the sky too high
Trapped in an illusion
This soul is no longer my own
And here I know I will always lay
Here I know I will forever pray
Here I know this pain will stay

Staring in despair as tears roll down my face
A body so cold and numb
Tell me why can I no longer feel?
Are these streaming tears not real?
If I can't trust my own bleary sight
How will I ever see, the end of this fight?

Tearing slowly apart from my broken seams
And I can’t stand any more
I can’t last another hour in agony
Cutting myself into so many pieces, so sharp
Plucking the strings of my bleeding heart
Slowly, one by one, I’m falling apart

Convince me that I have been sick forever
Tell me lies, bitter and sweet
That it will make sense when I’m finally better
Don’t twist this illusion into reality
Don’t open my eyes, don’t let me see
Don’t let me feel pain, I want to be free

Hi, its been a long long time since i have been able to write anything, somehow i couldn't put emotions to words.For any of those who like reading my stuff, if there are any, sorry i havn't written recently, been having a tough time. Hopefully writing again will help. Take care everyone and hang on in there

Toni xxxx


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  • 19 years ago

    by Toni

    Thanku so much, im gonna check ur poems out now :-) xx

  • 19 years ago


    i picked this one to read first because the titls is cool , i am suprised there has not been any votes for it .. its a cruel world we live in and the emotion of that cruelness is delivered unbelievablw well in this poem ..
    keep the writting going please , u on my fav list