Welcome Home

by Sara   Sep 8, 2004

Sitting at the computer doing my Homework
All they had to do was be civil
Stand to be around each other Without yelling
Make dinner for their children
But they can't do that
They can't make dinner
They can't look at each other
They can't do anything
That has to do with the other one
Silent tears are falling
Broken hearts are screaming
Homework stained with my tears
I hope my teacher understands
I tried to do my homework you see
But I got in the middle
Of a whirlwind of yelling
And throwing things
I tried to make it better
And not let them make mike cry
But I'm a horrible big sister
I couldn't even do that
So we do our homework in silence
As they battle it out in the bedroom
Voices yelling
Doors slamming
Welcome to my house.


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