Live With It

by kylee   Sep 26, 2004

Hey peoples this is a poem i wrote and i want to know what you all think of it...your opinions and comments mean alot to me!

In this world i feel little and lost,
Why does love come at such a great cost?
Why does the world bring be so much pain,
Only causing me to complain?
Life is no longer making sense,
I am starting to feel tense.
Why does he have to be so far,
Because when hes around I feel like a star?
And with him living so far away,
making me not able to see him everyday,
It adds to my life's worries and cries.
The tears sting my eyes.
My own dad kicking me out,
Only made me cry and pout.
He made me feel so small,
And now between us there is a giant wall.
The love is gone and its to late
All that i have left is anger and hate.
The wall is something i can not destroy
Because he treated me like I was just a toy.
Why does nobody understand,
That i just want somebody to hold my hand?
I don't want this pain I have to feel,
I want somebody's love for me to be real.
For at least one day I want a smile on my face,
I want my world to be a better place.
I don't wanna hide behind a mask,
Is that to much for me to ask?
I just want for one day to be happy,
and not to feel so crappy.
I just want to start over new,
But thats something i can not do,
Because of everything I have felt,
Is the life I have been dealt.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ashley

    Hey hunni, I love you sooo much!! You are the bestestest friend in the whole wide world!! I am soo sorry that there isnt more I could give you but my friendship! You have given me soo much!! Hope and love, and friendship, and of course advice!! thank god for you! and even though your not with matt, the days of you waking up to boxers and bare tummys is not far away!! so keep that chin up high!! and remember I love you ALWAYS!! and forget about your dad!! Your better off without Heather anyways!! Love yah sweety!! and dont you forget it!! Your the best!! oh...and great poem by the way!! lol!!

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