Passing Time

by Jacklyn   Nov 1, 2004

You said that you loved me,
You said that you’d always care,
You said that you’d always be here,
You said that you meant it,
But now your not here.

You left me in the dark,
Like a soldier left to die,
I was all alone with deep wounds,
I don’t think I’ll be able to heal,
But I hide it all within me,
As I act as it is no big deal,
But that’s definitely what I don’t feel,
The anger and sadness build within me,
As the lonely days take longer and longer to end.

Everyday is the same,
I sit in silent pain,
I barely talk, even to those who call my name.
All days, even sunny days seem to always rain,
It’s getting harder and harder to keep me eyes dry, and the make up on my face,
As the lonely hours seem to slowly pass by.

Harder to concentrate, keep my focus straight,
Always drifting off to why you lied to my face,
My trust was broken, my heart if frozen in one place.
My motivation to do things has seemed to disappear,
I live my life without a single care,
At home I sit in a room, with the door closed and locked,
I just want to be left alone, too ashamed to show all my tears.
I become so bottled up in a world of my own,
Where the minuets pass by slower each time.

Lying in bed never wanting to get up,
Not really caring what I look like because it no longer matter, the fact is true that nobody loves me,
I barely eat, talk or even sleep,
I lost my job, and failed my life,
All because we dated 4 years that were a lie,
I was no longer sure what to believe,
My life hit rock bottom,
For the hurt in my life build up with all the things in my neglected child hood I lost all my hope,
Tired of being hurt I locked my heart away,
Which made me lonely inside and every single day,
As the seconds pass by slower and slower as the time slowly passes by.

~please vote and comment thankyou~


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