
by Justin   Nov 16, 2004

I stare into the picture and I feel my heart wince,
I look at your eyes and gaze while a vehement storm rages within.
I walk through the crowd as time stands still for me,
I try to push time alas, it moves not for me,
I count the seconds and they never seem to pass,
I count the waves that roll within my heart, as drums o' war.

Nothing pleases me more than when I see you smile,
It is the picture though, which I had all this while.
I try to touch you with tremulous hands,
My fingers they shiver as I feel your skin,
But figment of caprice I make sense out of glass,
As I keep the burning desire of holding you deep within.

Torrents of men and women pass by me window,
Dressed in finery and inebriated by gaiety,
I gaze into the far sky and dream with tears in my eyes,
Counting them might help as I know for once they'll run dry.
Time it seems in its infinite being, engulfs me in overwhelm,
I gasp and I grasp, but I drown slowly in its profusion.

Flow time flow over my cold dead carcass,
I lie waiting for my love to come back to me,
Pick up in her soft embrace and in her softest tone,
She will whisper in my ears so yearning,
Bring me back to life with the touch of her lips,
On mine and I will be alive in her arms once more.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Melissa Westfall

    Wow that was amazing. i also loved this one to. you are so great. dont ever let anyone make you feel like your not. your poems are and huggs....missy