NeVeR aGaIn*~*

by belinda   Nov 25, 2004

When i first met him it was cool.
we thought we would be together
but we was fools.
he never seen me shed a tear for him,
until the night...
he started yelling at me,
putting me down
my eyes started to tear up
i cried.
he told me to shut up
but that made me cry even more.
finally he punched me right in my jaw
i fell to the ground
sadder than ever
the tears kept falling
i stood up to look him in the eyes
he slapped me across me face
he started screaming
calling me a delerius w**re
but like i said before,
that the made the tears come out more.
he slapped me just one more time
threw me to the ground
he wouldnt let me up. i tried to fight
harder and harder
but he kept getting meaner and
finally he let me up
we started arguing back and forth.
somebody had called the cops
they busted in the door
pulled him away from me
my baby went to jail that night
all because of me
people say i need to leave him
but how can i?
i love him to much to let him be
he may have hit me
made me cry
but the best times i had
was when i was with him
maybe i just need to die............


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