Left Alone

by Seronum   Dec 8, 2004

Like a piece of trash, I have been left to die. Rotting in a state of silence, I start to wonder why.

Where are all the others? Am i the only one?
My only presence seems to linger, and I'm left without a single one.

Like a corpse discarded away, I'm left alone to rot. Laying here in loneliness, I seem to give no thought.

To who I am, nor why I'm here. I die alone with a single tear. A single breath, before the end. To finish life as I descend.

Great sorrow approaches, all around. I'm left in total chaos, yet there's not a single sound.
Like the silence, I lay here in torment. Without a care from anyone, nor question about me present.

A total loss am I to be. I lie in the midst of death, and nightmares within dreams. Seeing shadows and clocks so dead. This place of lifeless time, begins to thread.
The needle punctures every emotion. My soul than dies with a lifeless motion.

I see the tombstone, above the grave. Its where I'm left to rot and lay. Like a piece of trash, I die alone. Its easy to see,I'm just unknown.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    This is another good poem! i most admit u do write such good sad and dark poems ! keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by Seronum

    Thanks Paulette, You have excellent pieces of work keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by NoPatience

    hey, not heyot** lol i just realised that as i was submittin the comment lol

  • 19 years ago

    by NoPatience

    heyot! and i cant believe that no1 has commented on it! i love it and thanks for the comments on my poems!