
by pinkchik166   Dec 23, 2004

Fighting this pain
over and over
i try and try
but its too hard to cover

the scars cut deep
from what you have done
I'm falling so steep
but its just begun

i fight with all i have
to keep you away
why wont it work
I'm living with this shame

i keep on falling
i wont stand straight
but it isn't my fault
i was just too late

I'm becoming week
I'm becoming tired
i cant do this anymore
i cant do this any longer

why cant i do this
i want to finish what i started
so you wont wreck
what Ive accomplished

but i haven't gotten far
from what you have done
i keep falling
but you still haven't won

with all my heart
i will never give up
i have faith
so no worries have stung

why wont you stop
and leave this alone
look what you've done
to my soul

you're killing me inside
but you need to give up
cause i i cant take it
and Ive had enough

i cant fight anymore
you're making me more hurt
and i don't know why you would want that for
but i don't want this
so i quit


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  • 19 years ago

    by kid

    hmm okay i liked the poem i had to take a few moments to recollect. the poem seems to me to be about strength...and you have a lot obviously. you can write poems really well and i liked this one particularly. keep rockin the poems