Unanswered Questions

by Chelsea R.   Dec 27, 2004

You got me asking myself a million questions
what changed between me and you
why don't we talk anymore
for it to be the same again tell me what I gotta do

I want to know how you feel about me now
and when did you stop caring
why did I ever love you
do you know I can feel my heart tearing

was I not good enough for you
why didn't I realize you were just like every other guy
and that you were using me
while I believed every lie

If I had my way
we'd never be apart
you would still want me
and I wouldn't have a broken heart

my brother tried to warn me
guys only want one thing
but it didn't seem that way with you
you treated me like I was your queen and you were my king

but I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just wanted it to be real
and I wanted to be with you
I wish you knew that this is how I feel

why did you have to break my heart
and make me fall in love with you
when you were never there to catch me
I'm so confused and I don't know what to do

do you know you were my first love
and when you promised you'd always care about me
did you know I believed it
this isn't how it was supposed to be

you were the first guy I ever had real feelings for
and I know I should be over you by now
believe me I wish it was that easy
but I just don't know how

none of these questions can ever be answered
and no one can ever replace you
but no one will ever care for you like I did
I want you to know that the love I felt for you was true


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  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    I'm glad you thank so lol!!

    *Chelsea Renae*

  • 19 years ago

    by livefreebright

    i LUved this poem! i can relate to it so much! great job

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    thanx Shannon and Steven!


  • 19 years ago

    by Steven

    hey! nice poem... that what happen to me and my ex-gf ...