So Many Nights

by Jacklyn   Dec 31, 2004

I walk the halls with teary eyes,
Everyone knows so why try to hide?
Lost in my mind,
So many thoughts run through my head,
So many things just make no sense,
I just don’t see what in the hell went wrong?

I wish I could make things right,
But by the time I found out,
She had already lost the fight.
She was on a team all alone,
No one she told,
She felt like there was no where to go.
All she left me was a note,
Everything she said,
Near my heart it hit most,
What she said I never knew.

“Dear Sam,
If your reading this you’ll probably know that I am dead,
With no reason to live,
Only you seemed to care.

I always feared nights,
The reason you don’t know,
I was too afraid to tell you,
But I think it’s about time for you to know.
My father and I fight,
He beat me when I was in sight,
He beat me when he was drunk,
When he was sad or mad,
Or just to bored and had nothing to keep him occupied.

So many nights,
I have bleed and cried,
So many nights,
I wish I had just died,
So many nights,
The pain and fear filled my mind.

I knew the choice was mine,
For how long I was going to live before I was killed,
To be killed by him, or to do it on my own,
To let him beat me till I died,
Or to take matters in my control.
Each choice had its pros and cons,
For killing myself will make me miss you so much,
But living in this pain hurt so much,

I want you to know,
You’re the best boyfriend I ever knew,
I’ll miss you so much I can’t even begin to tell,
I hope we meet again,
In a better world,
Where I don’t get hurt,
And your love I’ll hold.

Sorry for you’re hurt and pain,
Sorry if I made you cry,
Sorry my way out was just to die,
Sorry I left you with only a note,
I’ll always be with you and I’ll love you forever.

Yours truly, love forever,
Mary Ann”

Her letter fills my head,
The more I think about it,
The more tears that fall,
Ever since this happened,
The sadness has never left,
I loved her so much,
I still love her a lot,
Someday I’ll join her,
Weather it be soon or not,
I haven’t quiet made up my mind,
Till then I will travel these lonely empty halls,
All by my self, on a team of my own.


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