The Clown

by tender69   Jan 8, 2005

The clown has come
he brought his tricks
he never gives up
he never quits

he'll try all day
to make the children laugh
but he's never successful
never lived his dream

he's such a sad clown
now that he can't be funny
he wishes he could
but really he can't

then he met a child
that really understood
felt the way
that he did too

the kids they laugh
all day at me
the boy said
in the tall clowns ear

they never laugh
just stare you see
said the clown to the boy
best friends they'd be

and so they went down to the school
the boy the clown
and their feelings too

they'd make the kids laugh
they'd give it a try
make the clown funny
and the boy might fit in

but the children didn't laugh
they just pointed and stared
the boy and the clown
too sad to bare

and they went away
where no one could laugh
cause they didn't want to fit in in this world

these people are mean
the clown said between sobs
the boy in reply said
i think they're dumb slobs

they cannot laugh
they have no fun
they wont be quiet
I've had enough

and where they went we'll never know
cause they didn't leave a trail in the snow
and the birds ate the breadcrumbs
and they haven't been seen

so if you spot
the boy and the clown
be kind to their souls
and never frown.

~a friend at wits end


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  • 19 years ago

    by tender69

    i got the idea from a silverstein poem,i love his work.but i took the idea and expanded on it.i'm glad u liked it.

  • 19 years ago

    by !*!Zoe!*!

    Oh my god. this is amazing. Absolutely amazing. WHere on earth did you get the IDEA for this poem?