
by DiDi   Jun 17, 2003

Thought i finnaly found this special friend
with who i could be myself, didn't had to pretend
someone who was there for me day and night
a tie of friendship, incomprehensible for other people cuz we were so tight
who would know without speaking one word i felt pain
was just there for me when i felt need to complain
were i could cry out with, didn't need to explain
don't understand me the wrong way
"when a boy and a girl are friends they eventualy become lover"
is what most people say
but this was different for real...

a friendly love that turned out in a profound hate
antother game of life that cost me mah soul mate
in sume ways you can't call it a real friendship
you made me insecure, made me feel i had nog grip
no grip on my life
a feeling that eventually caused a big strife
a strife of mah mind against mah soul
i was fighting against myself, i'd lost control...

you didn't even noticed
i geuss you were to bizzy or just didn't care
treating me that way, how could you be so unfair
all those times you needed a shoulder to cry i was there
but when things turned, you acted like i was air
another lesson about you i learned...

eventually i was so sick and tired i gave op the fight
i couldn't carry on living like this, it wasn't right
friendship or not i didn't bother, we grew apart
my mind was a to big mess i needed a new start...

one stupid discussion...
one stupid discussion that was one to much
made me realise it wasn't now but a long time ago we'd lost touch
that there was no friendship between me and you
and the friendship i had imagined was untreu...

every moment we had spend together
every word you said to make me feel better
all tears we'd cried
bout every single thing we'd cherished you lied
my inside cried, but i thought i was stong enough to hide
at least i tried, while inside i felt like a peace of my heart had just died...

this one time again i thought i founded this friend
deep inside i know you were, that it wasn't all pretend
like i said another game life played on me
this friendship like so many others wasn't mend to be...

still that's no excuse for you spreading all those lies
one off the many things on you i still despise
thoug you deny i know you feel guilty i can read it in your eyes
sorry won't be enough, things you and i said are inexcusable
i'm done with you, said goodbye to go on and never look back
i didn't write this to make you feel bad, this ain't no atack
i just needed to write it down for myself to close this chapter down for once and always...


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