Forgotten Love

by CinnamonTwirl   Feb 17, 2005

*If you could actually read this, I would appreciate it, its important to me*

I love you and I know
That you ain't seen me in a while
But as V-day came I knew
You'd do something to make me smile

My mind's racing to think
Of all you could possibly do
I got giddy and antsy
cause I was without a clue

Roses, maybe, a card at least
But I didn't expect a lot
My thoughts wandered but I stopped
I let my surprise be your plot

As I awakened I was sure
There'd be something and I would love it
It'd be perfect in every way
It'd be an item they'd all covet

Early in the morning
My cell phone didn't ring
Anticipation Building
What to me will your bring

As the school day drudged on
Constantly checking my cell
I didn't want to miss your call
To me that would be hell

That afternoon I felt
As if something had gone wrong
For I hadn't heard from you
And it was V-day after all

Then there was a point
Where I finally realized
You forgot all about me
And that was my surprise

As daylight turned to night
I began to lose hope
You forgot all about me
How with this will I cope?

How can you say you love me
And yet fail to express
That your feelings are thriving
On a day when love love's best

Granted you did call
On the day that followed
But the 15th isn't the 14th
Now its my heart that I must swallow

Never feeling this insulted
I'm embarrassed to say
My boyfriend didn't even call me
On this Gloomy Valentine's Day

***Thanks if you read this far. But I think this poem might need a new title. Comment and tell me what you think, or suggestions would be great***-Katrina


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  • 19 years ago

    by CinnamonTwirl

    yep, he definately didnt call me. But he's only my boyfriend, but thats no excuse...your right, it sucked

  • 19 years ago

    by CinnamonTwirl

    what does that mean?...

  • 19 years ago

    by CinnamonTwirl

    Forgotten Love...ahh! I absolutely adore that title. Change!

  • 19 years ago

    by CinnamonTwirl

    Ooo, I kinda like it with the 'y'. Different. But i personally dont like katrina with a c. Anyways, thanks for the comment and I will be sure to read some of ur poems.

  • 19 years ago

    by Katryna

    Hey, you stole my name! LOL! J.J. I LOVE this poem. I think its really good. Me and my boyfriend broke up on the 4th and we had been together for 4 months on the 3rd. So, valentine's day was really hard for me. I could really relate to this poem a lot. (*5)

    Katryna Marie

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