Abandonment should be a holiday

by AutumnOrange   Feb 24, 2005

Forget everything you ever said. ( You were lying)
You said ( Ill never leave you.) I watched ( you) were smiling.
I\\\'ll pull every stitch out of your heart and watch you fall apart,
as I stitch up your lips to keep the lies from slipping out.

I watch, now as your heart spills onto the floor.
I wont help you pick up the pieces.
I\\\'ll watch the red shards tear at your skin
( Don't worry your not dead yet)

So how does it feel to be alive...
and dead at the same time?!
And how does it feel..to watch everyone you care about
be ripped away from your finger..tips..

And how does it feel, to not feel at all?
And how does it feel, to never love again?
The shadows are you only friends.
The only ones..you..didn't..abandon...


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  • 18 years ago

    by AutumnOrange

    Thanks. I'm glad you like it.:-).
    Yeah, its ok if I don't get many comments..I just put my stuff on here to let people read my stuff and give their critique and help me improve on my writing. And even if noone likes it, I still do because it has a certain meaning to it for me. But thank you for reading it!