Shadow play

by Dominique   Mar 3, 2005

As i bid you fond farewell you flew into the sky yet you could not take your shadow for you chose and soared to fly
when i gazed into the blue and green you drifted high above still you could no take your shadow for it symbolized your love
yet this shadow lacked a heart there was emptiness instead a vision of reality led me and mislead
but as i glimpsed at this darkened image i saw it was truly singular and rare for how many can say they have a shadow they gained through gentle care
now you travel higher i often wonder were you'll go i wish i could join your sweet escape you have no opponent, enemy, or foe
this shadow of yours is my memory and though you could no tell these tears are filled with grief from bidding you far well


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  • 19 years ago

    by sarah k

    again... wow