Invisible Uncle

by In For Life   Mar 6, 2005

*This is a true story. My uncle Richard has been present for a whole two days of my life. He doesn't even know my name. I'm 14 now, and he saw me for the first and last time when I was 9. This poem is for anyone who's had a missing family member and who's ever felt abandoned. This is my story.*

Hey uncle Rich
I don't even know right now
How I even know your name
You've never known me
I've seen you once in my life

I've been on this earth
14 years
You've never tried to know your niece
You've never even tried to learn about her

What you'll now know
Is she's just like you
The outcast
Never fitted in
Still doesn't

Just because you're gay
And the rest of the family doesn't approve
Doesn't mean I'm the same way

Every year comes and goes
Birthday, Christmas, Valentines Day
Holiday after holiday
No word or acknowledgment that I'm alive to you

For all I know
I could have a grave stone in front of me
And you'd never know I'm supposed to be your niece
My other uncles know me
Most know me well
Uncle David knows me the best
He loves music like I do

But you don't know I'm alive
Or still living anymore
As far as I'm concerned
I lay buried in the ground
Cause you pretend I'm gone
You don't even acknowledge that you have a family
Even though they don't approve of you

In 9 months
I'll be another year older
And I'll have another year to dwell
On what I've missed in life
One uncle who pretends I don't exist
One uncle who died so young
Who'd probably be better than you

I may have alot of material things in life
But the one thing I regret never having
Is knowing you
Knowing I have another uncle in life
That might just care about me

Dad asked if not knowing you bothered me
I said no
If I had said yes
I know that he'd try to convince me
That I'm not missing anything

He said he called you and left a message
To call him back
You never did

Do you hate the family so much that you think we are dead?
Or is it that you're in denial?
I don't know
But I hope you know now
Your own niece
Hurts inside from you never being around

Now as I sit here and write this
Tears streaming down my cheeks
I say under my breath "I do miss you uncle rich"
But it's your decision
Know me or not
15 years will soon have gone by
And now I will not be allowed to cry
But let me say this once
I die from being alone
Goodbye Uncle Rich
Your niece is about to die


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