My life will last

by Paula   Mar 6, 2005

Hanging on by a really thin thread
Voices saying that I'm better off dead
Every night, in my dreams
All I hear is lots of screams
There yelling at me,that I'm going to die
Telling me to say goodbye
Say goodbye to my family and Friends
They tell me to do this,Before my life ends
It's starting to scare me,more then before
Now my death I try to ignore
I'm sorry to anyone,who I scared with my thoughts
Of suicide, and all the time I fought
saying my life was suppost to end
I really didn't want to offend
I promise you I am here for good
I would go back if I could
And change every thing I did
Everything back when I was a kid
Make my life such a better thing
Make it so better memory's it would bring
But I guess I cant do that,Its part of my past
But I'm here for good, I promise my life will last


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