The Pedestrian

by Steve   Mar 11, 2005

Walking to the bus stop, he was late; caught staying after school talking his teachers regarding an assignment. His mind swirls of all the possibilities; the different viable excuses. ADD'd, his mind returns to its usual state of being and its usual topic of thought; back and forth, between excuses ,and important, but nevertheless irrelevant thoughts. From a distance, he sees the bus roll across the street and sprints for it, but he was a step short. It'll take at least 15 minutes for the next one now, so it'd be better to just walk the 10 blocks in the frigid air. Everything is a blur, a combination of the heat of breaths, of cars, buses, people, pollution, and his mental inability to makes his eyes focus. Downtown, he misses his train, yet again one step behind; if only he had caught that bus. His perplexing thoughts return yet again to that amalgamation of excuses and extraneous emotions. Twenty or thirty minutes later, he steps off the train and looks for his bus. It wasn't there, a typical situation; he didn't need the bus much anyways. He walks across the street, a car stops and respects the pedestrian's right of way. He feels special, first in a long time.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Andrea broken tears

    omg hunn
    i could see a picture in my head when i was reading this i felt like i was the one in the story
    keep it up
