Nick, Zac, I'm Sorry

by Just Sierra   Mar 16, 2005

I made a few cuts along my wrist
I hurt some people today
I made a stupid mistake and I swear
I lost my mind along the way

If I made you cry
I’m sorry for what I’ve done
I know I can’t go back in time
The past can’t be undone

And if you cried those tears
So similar to mine
Then you must recognize my lies
When I say that I’m just fine

Nick, Zac, I cried today for you
Not because of the pain in my wrist
Or what I did to myself
But because at myself I was so pissed

I’m sorry if I hurt you
There are so many things I’m sorry for
But mainly I’m sorry for the hurt I put you through
And I promise that cutting is no more.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    aw, thanks Nick. That hit me so hard. But I've made that vow to another Nick and we made it together. Despite how much pain I feel, we're going to stick together. Both of us are not going to cut. Thanks for that comment Nick. Made me smile!!! I won't cut anymore. Thanks!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Armed-Alcoholic

    Excellent, Amazing. Very well written. It's only one mistake, mistakes can be fixed. Please don't cut.

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    alright!! Thanks so much. I'm glad you're there for Zac more than I am. I would be torn in little tiny pieces if I was you and I were that close to Zac. So its great you're hanging in there too!!!!! You stay strong too, we all need support like you!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    Sierra, I know this isn't for me, but I really feel for you greatly. I know how torn I was when I found out that Zac cut for the first time. I really care for you, stay strong, ok? You can make it through this. We are all on your side, alright? lyl,

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    :-D. Kk, I'd love to.