
by Poppy   Mar 23, 2005

She stretches out her pale white body,
And snuggles back under the covers,
She yawns then opens her pale blue eyes,
Then she sighs, another day of meaningless life.

She drags herself out of her bed,
And looks around for cloths,
Seeing yesterday’s jeans, she changes,
Another yesterday, another today, with more to come.

Her life so monotones,
So the same,
So consistent,
So much worse then death.

She brushes her raven black hair,
And pushes it behind her ears,
Than slowly she opens her bedroom door,
And crawls down the stairs.

Running from the empty house,
She heads to school,
Her dark uniform an omen,
More darkness lies in front of her.

The same, day after day,
Draining, yet boring
Stressful, yet numbing,
Another day of meaningless life.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Just Lucy

    poppy, that was a really good poem, your really talented, it was sooo goood,
    if you ever get a chance, u should look at some of my poems

    keep up the awesome writing