You're bringing me to my music

by Mel   Apr 12, 2005

Why is it that the more I love you
the more I have to, need to,
listen to my record collection?
I have to summon up the greats of the bleeding hearts who I can count on to relate their f**ked up mess and then draw parallels with mine.
Every time.
So bring em on.
another sad song.
For starters, I\'ll have U2 with Or Without You - that should get me in the mood.
Main course: Radio head Karma Police; speaking of which, Sting, might as well have him in.
Dessert: The final topping: Pink Floyd the Wall.
And suddenly I can\'t feel anything at all. I have become Comfortably Numb.
At least hanging out with you, I get to hear my music more.


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  • 18 years ago

    by kida

    This is good i always turn 2 music 4 comfort