
About kida

Hi my name is Chiquita, I have just rediscovered this site after a few years of absence and am hoping that you will all check out my poems, old and new, and let me know what you think whether its good, bad or inbetween.

I always check out the poems of people who comment on mine and leave comments/votes (I do actually read the poem first too, not just write good job at the bottom of the first one i see because really, thats pointless)

so yea, i hope you take the time to check out my poems especially the featured ones because two of them are brand new and i hadn't written anything in over a year prior to them so am hopeful for feedback

Thank you

chiquita (kida)

Profile of kida

  • Age : 20
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Australia
  • Joined : Sep 21, 2005
  • Last Visit : 18 years ago
  • Poems : 108
  • Comments : 251
  • Quotes : 60
  • Posts : 22
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By kida

  • When you ask me why i've changed
    and why my eyes are dim...

  • Today i realised something
    that im afraid to say...

  • The feeling of being alone
    is one is shouldnt have to feel...

  • Is it wrong to miss
    Something I never had...

  • If you could read this i hope you would come back
    i can't take not being where i can't see you're...

Latest Quotes By kida

  • My heart is beating for the next phone call
    if i lost you i'd have nothing at all
    my soul knows your all i'm living for
    and if i lost you i'd have nothing at all.
    Selwyn <3

    15 years ago
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  • My heart was breakin you looked at the wall
    i could barely breathe you didn't care at all
    i cant stop crying but you don't feel this pain
    i let my guards down and it happened again.

    16 years ago
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  • I wish i didn't have to loose you
    i wish you didn't have to go
    honey this isn't as good as rock bottom
    i've discovered a whole new low

    16 years ago
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