by Brandy Sansotta   Apr 21, 2005

I look in the mirror,
I hate what I see.
Its all your fault, you did this to me.
You used to tell me I was your queen, the most beautiful girl your eyes had ever seen,
Now that we're married things have really changed.
All you do is put me down and scream and shout.
I look in the mirror and I see what you see,
I'm not fat, but you say that I am so thats what I see.
You tell me I am ugly and you can do better than me,
Oddly enough thats all that I see.
I hate myself and all that I am.
All thats keeping me on this Earth are my kids.
Its not you, you're the reason I hate myself


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  • 19 years ago

    by Brandy Sansotta

    thanks. Kevin if you get time send me a message and give me some suggestions. I really admire your work. Thanks again you two

  • 19 years ago

    by Kevin

    I love what you are writing about my's a powerful to be so effected by the opinions of others...especially someone you love.

    One thing i would say that this piece is very blunt...obviously an emotional stream, written very quickly...but you could try and say things by inferring them with some subtlety....and maybe lose some words that make the poem sound more like a paragraph of a story.

    Good luck...and break all your mirrors.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jenn

    This is such a deep poem. I hope thigs are better for you now!