Come Back to Me

by Jules   Apr 21, 2005

You left me long ago. Just like the ground I want be in. Once you left you took the part of me that cared for life or living. I remember that night as if it just happened. Sitting there with you, holding me. Everything seemed great between us. And then like the blade I stain, you cut me. Deep and hard. Saying how its was over and finished. Our relationship just thrown into the wind for...its unspeakable. I gave you a year of my life and you threw me away for...HER. Someone skinnier and better looking. It crushed me how you told me that you'd been seeing her for a few weeks. I loved you and I still do. If I carry on the way I do, I would of rather you of stayed. Please come back. My life is without a purpose. Can you here me? Where ever you are. I love you. I need you back to help my soul. You are so dumbfounded by my befriending that you were unaware of my true feelings. I love you and I always will. Please just put me out of my misery before I silence my own cries.

*_*_*I wrote this today while sitting in shop and the seniors are all cute and one looks like my ex. I went out with him for a year and he told me one night out of the blue that it was over. I knew he loved me and how he just wanted someone else. I understood that and I let him go, but my heart is still aching for him because I had so much going on when I started going out with him and its almost like he kept me sane, to say the least. If ya like my poem please vote and tell me what you think about it. Through this website I've been able to express all my feelings and not have to worry about someone I know finding out about what I type.*_*_*


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