God Of War Inside Me

by wayne t   Apr 29, 2005

If only I could release the God of War inside me,
To use the power that has built up for decades,
Bring forth the demons out for one deadly fight,
To prove once and for all they must surely die,

How can you kill what you can't see but is there,
Showing every day how ineffective you really are,
Fighting battles every time never winning but alive,
Is a shadow that you rebel against that's inside you,

Are not accepted or tolerated for whatever reason,
Never fully prepared to converse, therefore silence,
Defense is a must, in reality what must you protect,
No confidence whatsoever with unaccustomed levels,

The God of War inside grows more inpatient each day,
Beaten down every time, ever so close but they still win,
The faults inside are many, the ineffectiveness pure insanity,
Release this power inside to kill these demons spill the blood,

Fighting relentlessly to release the demons one by one to kill,
Being an outcast in mind having normality return bringing power,
Fearing not, but afraid to lose, alienating the one who does care,
Come forth God of War, invoke the power within me, I shall win.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    I loved the whole concept of the poem... and your words were phenominal... 5/5
