Behind your eyes

by katie!   Jun 17, 2005

Behind your eyes, locked underneath the smiles
Is something I cannot quite see, hear or feel
So worried because of the words quoting your mind
Trying to understand what you say is not real

I know that you're hurting, though you say you feel fine
I don't want you to live your life in denial and pain
Don't bottle up the feelings that are charring your soul
Let me help, though you don't want it, I can shelter from rain

Long unspoken tears, whisper away in your eyes
You wait till we are gone to release them, set them free
Words of suicide haunt me, tears fill my heart
I know things are difficult, but I'm begging, talk to me

Suicidal tendencies, what can I do? How do I help?
I'm so sorry for being unable to make a change for you
But I will never let you down, Please know I'm here
So let your agonies out, let me pull you through

I love you, please don't think that you don't matter
Because you are the one thing that means the world to me
Don't push away your feelings, hide behind barriers
Walk into happiness, let me open your eyes to see

You are the light that brings me out of slumber in the morning
And the hope that is slight, yet resides in my heart
Wishing away the hours, I want to keep you safe
I cannot stop thinking of you, when we are apart

Hope is around, though you cannot always see it
It is in the air we breathe, And hidden inside
Don’t let yourself be beaten by the sadness around
Sift away your pain, I am here, right by your side

I know that in a way, you don’t want to recover
You feel like this is all you are, all that you own
But you have so much to give to this world, understand
Though you may feel it, you are never truly alone

I love you, please don’t forget it, don’t slip away
Stick around and I will show you some fun
I’m always here, open up to me please, I mean it
You are my life, you have my heart, you are my one…


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  • 18 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    Aww, that was sooo sweet, I really felt the love in this one....Sorry that I haven't read your poems lately, but I haven't been on the internet for a month....I forgot to pay the bill =0) But I'll get it back soon and then I'll read more of your new poems =0) Promise...

    Love always Sabrina

  • 18 years ago

    by Andrea

    thats a really sweet poem. your a good friend

  • 18 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    i can't tell you have much i can relate to this poem this very minute in two differnt ways! it's unbelieveable how much i can relate to this right know! so beautifully done!

    ~PLP~ lil slam~ lots of hugs and love~

  • 18 years ago

    by Lost Girl

    That was so sweet, loved it loads....I shouldnt let you read my things, you start quoting them in poems...stay strong