First and Last (Part One)

by Jacklyn   Jun 21, 2005

~this is a long poem, please read the whole thing, i do not think you will be disappointed with it~

A chance to change her life,
To make her life seem right,
A new job once again,
With hope and promise hand in hand,

Her alarm is set for 7:00 a.m.,
A 15-minuet shower to feel fresh and clean,
To wake her in the morning,
As hot water runs over her body,

Black shirt and button up shirt,
Black high heels and red painted nails,
Shinny blond ringlets in her hair,
Dressed for success on her first day,

The make-up she applied was sweet and smooth,
All natural blending tones,
Natural colored beauty is what she holds,
Walking beautifully out the front door,

A taxi came to pick her up,
A hometown city in New Jersey,
Dropped off at the busy subway,
She travels to New York City,

She boarded the crowed train,
No seats left so she held the rail,
Surrounded by men and women,
All suited and talking business on their cell phones,

Then the train slows, then opens it’s doors,
A stamped for the stairs,
A fast pace in New Your City,
As she waves down another taxi,

Traffic jam and horns ringing,
Moving an inch for every minuet,
Pays the cab, and walks the rest,
Four blocks, high heels and walking fast,

Walking through the front doors,
As 100’s do as she did before,
Up three escalators than an elevator,
As she exited on the 94th floor,

She walked three doors down,
A small office where she worked with four others,
Joel, Mark, Sally and Tasha,
There she got quick and warmly welcomes,

So far a smooth first day,
As the clock rounded 8:30,
The routine of her job she caught on quickly,
No conversation just concentration,

~said the poem was too long, so i had to split it up, please read part two!


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