Perfect huh??

by LoVeAbLeShOrTie   Jun 22, 2005

I woke up late again
Get out of bed! Get ready right now!
The only words I hear
She’s just a little girl looking up to you
You let her down every time
She keeps those words constant in my mind
I’m sorry I don’t have enough time to get ready
She doesn’t care its like shes a demon in despair
I can see the stream of blood flowing from my arms already
I can see the lines beginning to form
I start to shed tears I wish he was here holding me tight
I just grab onto my blanket, wrap up tight
I’m trying to make everything all right
I’m scared and the only person who cares isn’t here
Everyone thinks I have such a perfect life
Do you call having your mom locked up for another 9 months perfect?
She’s been there for 3 years already , no one cares
She almost died a couple times..
I got blamed for not caring …even though I cried more than anyone
I got blamed because I didn’t talk to her…but she never called
I get blamed for everything so why not pile more stuff on me thats my fault
The only thing that makes me want to even wake up in the morning is the fact that I might get to talk to her and my boyfriend
I don’t look forward to going to my grandma’s house
All the screaming and yelling that comes from her
If I could live a week without it I would be in paradise
It’s not the daylight I fear, It’s the night that’s my enemy
Everywhere I go I get yelled at…
Clean this, pick up that, feed the animals, get off the phone
Why buy me things if I can never use them?
My life is so frickin perfect huh???
Try living it, oh yeah its just like going to the fair
Cotton candy and games all the way there
My life may seem perfect but once you leave those doors
Its hell for me …trust me
The only person I love. is the only person who cares
The only person that keeps me going…is my boyfriend
I don’t know what I would do without him
………………I guess there is always death


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  • 18 years ago

    by **Ashleigh*Sue**

    ooo HUN this is really good. but totally sad. i'm so sry if i mad ur life worse in any way. i won't ever do it again just tell me. anyways, if you ever need to talk im always here just call me and i can help u get through. and if u want maybe u can even come over to my house, just so u don't have to be there and u can get away from everything. well u no my # if u need to talk ANYTIME and i mean it. even if its like 3:00 in the morning u can still call me. cuz i just want to be here for you. well don't do anything stupid. I LOVE YOU LIKE A SIS FOREVER AND ALWAYS AND DON'T FORGET IT,

  • 18 years ago

    by Heather Griffith

    I love it