Today was no normal day

by XxTeArSxX17   Jun 27, 2005


Today was just a normal
Day everything was just fine
Just the same old same old
Go to work for a few hors then on
My lunch brake with my 2 brothers.
Then back to work only had two hours
Left before home we went.
But then it happened my brothers
Best friend came up to me. I looked at him
Just once and took off my head phones
He looked me straight in the eyes
And said ed’s hurt I said WHAT! Where is he
At and he said the ware house
And I said where that is. And he pointed it
Out I ran as fast as I could I turned
I did not see him I looked at the 2 guys standing there
And said where is my brother
One of them pointed the way and off I went
Then there he was laying on the ground
Just staring in the air he had something
Under his neck and all I could do was cry and frown
They told me not to touch him because
They did not know what was wrong.
They told me the ambulance was coming and
That I had to go back to the office.
And back I went but I didn’t stay long back to
My brothers side I went. But once again they
said I had to leave I didn’t have choice so off
I went. I couldn’t s work so me and my other
Brother went home and my mother and father went
To the hospital to see how my brother was.


* this just happened to me today my brother got hurt at work and I am still not sure how he is* I know this is not the best poem but I had to get this out I am so upset right now.


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  • 18 years ago

    by kat

    omg i hope he is ok-good poem