Perfect Family

by Dominique   Jun 28, 2005

With each passing minute
I remember the laughter
The smiles the frowns
The happily ever afters
The kisses good night
The hugs in the morning
The nights when I went to sleep
And I could hear Daddy’s snoring
The Easter days when I found eggs
Through out the day
The Christmas cheer
And that Thanksgiving day play
But now that laughter is gone
And we no longer smile
No more happy ever afters
No more being a child
No more kisses good night
Or hugs in the morning
No more waking up to the sound
Of my Daddy snoring
No more finding Easter eggs
No Christmas cheer
No more having the Thanksgiving day play
That we had every year
Our home is so broken
Our lives are a mess
And I’m starting to love Daddy less and less
All I hear now
Is my mom and dad yell
They made our once happy home
In to a reality of hell
They use to love each other
Back when they had sanity
I just want to go back to the days
When we were the perfect family


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tammy

    What do you mean not as good??/ I loved this poem. Explains very well what a lot of kids go through and feel.