There secret

by XxTeArSxX17   Jun 29, 2005


There was a boy and there
Was a girl friends they were
For a very long time. But it
Turned out they both had
Feeling they thought they
Should hide. The both liked
Each other but neither of them
Was willing to show this other side.
She feel in love with him over this
Long period of time no one knows
It but at night she would cry
herself to sleep wishing he was by
her side. But he was not he was at home
in his bed looking out the window
wish for the day to come where he
will tell her that he loves her.
Day after day they see each other
Hiding there feelings well but he
Knows something’s wrong he can
See it in her eyes, the pain she carry
Along is burning a hole in he’s heart,
For the one he loves in pain and he
knows not what to do. He wants to
hold her tight and make her fears go
away be her knight in shining armor
to pull her through but he doesn’t
because he does not what to scare her
away so for now he say’s best friends
is what we will stay


this is part one but if it does not do to well i dotn think a part 2 will happen ib/c i am not sure this is a very good poem


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