Death to the Innocence

by ..::.alreadyGoNe..::.   Jul 8, 2005

The plug was pulled
it all poured out
all my secrets that piled inside
keeping away from the world

i got to keep my heart closed
locked tightly away
for it's just an icon to break
glowing softly through the night

dimming till there is no light left within it
no one wants me enough
to ever love me back
I'm just some play toy

fun for awhile only to dispose of when you get bored of it
oops there i go into the trash
the smell making me gag
the darkness shrinking my pupils

suddenly light explodes
and my pupils dilate
stars shining away brilliantly blazing
what has happened?

and before i know it
blood erupts from my chest
my throat gargling
i need air

i wheeze and sputter
grabbing wildly in the sky
searching for an invisible life line
and then I'm gone


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