The Silent Goodbye

by Peter Williams   Jul 17, 2005

The words we haven't said,
The words we need to say.
Before long...
Dawn had come,
And all was lost.
It was over...
The way things were,
The way things are,
And the way things will be.
Do you have the nerve to say it?
The things you want to say.
Spare me your pity,
Spare me your friendship,
Spare me your charm.
What are you afraid of?
Everything ends in heartbreak,
Everything ends in pain.
The long goodbye,
The silent goodbye.
Did you think I wouldn't see it?
Did you think I would be safe?
Spare me...
I don't want or need your pity.
If you won't say what you want to say,
I'll say it for you.
I'm tired of this...
All of it.
I don't need this complication in my life,
I don't need this constantly on my mind.
I'm tired of this...
I'm tired of my unselfish nature.
I gave,
And gave...
But received nothing.
I gave out compassion and understanding,
Only to be spat on.
I say what I want,
I say what I feel.
No one has the courage to do such,
Everyone's afraid of what they might lose.
Not me...
I have nothing to lose,
And a lot to gain.
So if you're not willing to say it,
Let me be the first.
You come up to me and smile,
The blank expression across my face says it all,
I turn around and walk down the hall,
Leaving you behind.
The long goodbye,
The silent goodbye.
What am I to you?
Someone to fall back on?
Someone to lean on?
I'm not.
For I have no one,
No one to lean on...
So why should I be there for you?
... If you are not there for me?
To be happy is to be selfish,
Everyone's selfish,
Everyone's happy.
I tried to help others,
I tried to care for others,
Hoping that my good deeds would be rewarded.
... They never were.
The only one I should care about is me.
What about my needs?
What about my dreams?
You don't care about me...
So why should I care about you?
I've been to hell,
I've been to heaven.
I saw both worlds and what they contained.
I would've sacrificed my soul into hell,
If it would mean yours to heaven...
But my soul is more deserving.
I deserve love.
I deserve happiness.
If you can't give me what I want,
Then you can leave my life.
Everyone uses me,
To get what they want,
To get what they don't deserve.
I will get what I want,
I will get what I deserve.
I won't wait for someone to give it to me,
I will take it for my own..
I am a changed man,
And thou hath changed me.
I am not afraid to tell the truth,
I am not afraid to say what I want,
What I feel.
The long goodbye,
The silent goodbye.
Hiding behind the smiles,
Hiding behind the laughter.
You feel that?
That chill down your spine,
The icy cold hand of death...
It was on my shoulder for the longest time,
Because I thought it was worth it.
In the middle of sanity and insanity.
I deserve love...
I deserve happiness...


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